Act Now

Take action: raise your voice and tell those in power you want a healthier tomorrow

Let your state legislator know you want them to:

Get toxic PFAS out of products and create a fund to test and treat drinking water for PFAS

Get toxic chemicals out of children’s products.

Act Now on Mind the Store

SUCCESS! Thanks to thousands of us taking action, REI has announced that it will  stop using PFAS in it is textiles and cookware by fall 2024!  REI will eliminate PFAS from its professional level, expedition gear by fall 2026.

We made this happen! With our postcards! Standouts! Photos and social media posts!  Thanks to all of you!  Check back at this page to find the next Mind the Store action, posted shortly!

Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow

c/o Clean Water Action/Clean Water Fund
P.O. Box 83 554 Washington Street
Dorchester, MA 02124

Join Us

Join us in fighting for a
healthier environment.