Toxic Free Kids

Problem: Children are exposed to toxic chemicals in children’s products.

Shouldn’t you know if toxic chemicals are in the shampoo that you use on your baby?  The car seat you use?  Or your baby’s mattress?  What about the lotion you rub into your child’s skin?   

Infants and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of toxic chemicals–in air, water, dust, food, and consumer products.  We should be able to keep our children safe, but, in most cases, even the most aware guardians don’t know what is in products their children use every day.


The Solution: Require reporting of toxic chemicals added to children’s products–and ban the most dangerous chemicals.

Require manufacturers to tell the state if they put toxic chemicals in children’s products.  Identify a list of most hazardous chemicals–and ban those chemicals from being used in children’s products distributed or sold in Massachusetts, focusing first on products for children under 3, personal care products, and products designed to be put in children’s mouths (e.g. pacifiers).

Senator Jo Comerford (D-Northampton) and Representative James Hawkins (D-Attleboro) have filed An Act for Toxic Free KidsThis bill

  • Requires manufacturers to disclose to the state if certain toxic chemicals are in children’s products they make or sell in Massachusetts;

  • Restricts these toxic chemicals in:

      • products for children under 3,

      • children’s personal care products, and

      • products that are mouthable; 

  • Allows Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to restrict these same chemicals in products for older children 4-12, if there is evidence the chemicals are in house dust, blood serum, or are known to readily escape from children’s products.

  • Once a chemical is restricted, businesses will have three years to stop using the chemical in their children’s products.

Children’s products include toys, clothing, personal care products, strollers, bedding, and all other products specifically made and marketed to children 12 and under.  

What you can do:

  1. Get the name and contact information of your state representative and senator at:

  2. Tell them that you want to know what chemicals are in products your children use.  Ask them to support HD2454 and SD1507, the Toxic Free Kids Act.


Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow

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