What it Means to Join

The Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow (AHT) is a coalition of organizations—organizational membership is the basis for its democratic decision-making structure. 

Individuals are also critical to the strength of the coalition and support the coalition through an activist network and expert advisory committees.

When an organization joins it means:

Agreement with the coalition goals, values and principles described on the About Us page

We ask each organization’s decision-making body to review the website (or our founding document, “Creating a Healthy Tomorrow”) and decide if you have basic agreement. This coalition was created to make a critical change in the world by exerting the power of mobilized citizens from all walks of life.

Demonstration of support for the AHT coalition goals

The organization agrees that its name can appear on a list of AHT coalition membership.  

Your organization lends support to the efforts of AHT by appearing on the membership list. We seek a wide diversity of supporting organizations.

Information and optional participation

Member organizations select a contact person(s) for the coalition. That person receives notices of campaign activities and needs. Participation of your organization’s members is optional, but will give us the people power to win our corporate and policy campaigns.

A vote in the coalition

Member organizations may volunteer to participate in a Steering Committee that makes all major decisions on policy and implementation.  Any member organization can send a representative to the Steering Committee

How to Join:

If your organization would like to become a member of the Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow, just email us at lspark@cleanwater.org or info@healthytomorrow.org .There is no fee for joining.

Individuals can be active in the coalition through the Healthy Tomorrow Network.

AHT needs thousands of individuals to participate in its campaigns in order to win new state policies. Individuals are recruited from AHT member organizations and from the public in general. Regular updates are sent to an email activist list with key new information or requests for assistance. Email lspark@cleanwater.org to join.


Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow

c/o Clean Water Action/Clean Water Fund
40 Court Street
6th Floor
Boston, MA 02124


Join Us

Join us in fighting for a
healthier environment.